Tuesday 22 July 2014

Coventry, England

I have a grandaunt who lives in Coventry. Believe it or not, I haven't met her before in my life till this winter break. I paid a visit to her place. It's a 4 hours plus journey by bus. 

If you ever wonder where is Coventry, it is one of the busiest city in England. University of Warwick is in Coventry! For those who watched Hong Kong drama, Triumph in the Skies II, perhaps they will know that the casts did filming at Coventry. 
The surroundings of the residence area.
Nothing special. It's just me first taking a public bus in England. 
She was also kind enough to bring me to tour around Coventry.  I am quite excited as I think it was my first trip out of Cardiff. So what's next...Camera is up of course!

Whittle Arch
There's a saying that if you see Whittle Arch, people know that you're in Coventry. 

Okay, here's a nerd look of me...
Coventry Pool Meadow Bus Station
 Believe it or not, my grandaunt who is currently 70 years old took this picture for me. Imagine an old lady having herself holding such a high tech camera helping you to take this picture! I didn't expect much but the results turned out to be great! When my friends saw my solos pictures, they would tease me about bullying my grandaunt! Anyway, my grandaunt and I did burst out some laughters whenever the solo pictures were taken. 

Walking our way to the city centre. 
Coventry Cathedral since 1918 
Due to some reasons, I did not enter the Coventry Cathedral. It is said to be a very interesting historical place.

The magnificent night view of Coventry City Centre. Well I shouldn't say it is night. Probably is just about 5 in the afternoon. The sky gets dark quickly during winter time. 

A typical Asian pose. Peace sign :P
Statue of Lady Godiva
If I had known this statue earlier, I would have taken a closer picture with it 
Everyone is preparing for Christmas! You can see the crowds holding big and small shopping bags!

Another tourist attraction is this Coventry Transport Museum! Perhaps you can give it a visit!

Finally, my own selfie during my trip! Jeez, I look so young that time...

Overall, I think Coventry is much complicated as compared to Cardiff. No offence, I prefer to live in Cardiff as I can see much more greenness in my surroundings. To me, Coventry is not as convenient as Cardiff. For instance, I need to take a bus whenever I go to any places in Coventry. In Cardiff, I could just walk to the city centre or any places I want because everything is near and compact together. Another reason might be Coventry is larger than Cardiff so public transport is needed. 

By this blog post, I wanted to share my gratefulness with my grandaunt by taking care of me so well during my trip.  Probably you would be wondering how my grandaunt looks like. However, she doesn't like her face being posted on any public social media so I would respect her privacy. Anyway, I do have a great time in Coventry. It's great to have family bonding with my grandaunt who I had never met before.