Saturday 26 July 2014

University Orientation, Challenge Day

When I get bored or stressed up, I will search for any old pictures in my computer.
AND I found something interesting...


I couldn't imagine myself finishing my first year so fast in Cardiff. Thinking of those days me being a baby and immature kiddo. What I could agree is it was definitely a great exposure to study overseas.Without helicopter parents beside you, you will need to be independent.  


I was shocked to see our orientation happen in a bar and club. Perhaps it is a common thing to do in Caucasian countries but not MALAYSIA! I was kinda excited and nervous to participate the orientation. I knew there would be Malaysians in my course and pretty sure I would just stick to them! Well, I do told myself not to. 

I always reminded myself what is the purpose of choosing to study in Cardiff. TO GET EXPOSED TO DIFFERENT CULTURE is part of my reason. I got full scholarship to study in Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Optometry and rejected it because I want to experience what they say "culture shock". So what's the point of my rejection if I am overly attached to Malaysian friends. 

I remembered our orientation started off with few boring lectures (standard procedure) introducing you the school and bla. What I want to share here is an event called Challenge Day during my orientation. We were formed into groups randomly. Basically we were given a list of challenges to complete. The fastest group to finish is the winner. In order to proof that we finished the task, a picture should be taken. That is why I have these amusing pictures!

Task: Drinking Competition
 All I could say poor Owen (right guys sitting down) who was the only guy in our group was forced to participate the drinking competition. The one who finished the fastest is the winner. I still remember poor Owen forcing himself to drink with great speed. 

Task: Fit as many people you can in a telephone booth.
 This task is kinda crazy. I think we managed to fit 9 people in the telephone booth. The reason I am in because I am kind of petite among others. lol
Task: Take picture in front of the Optical shops
 Our first group picture in front of Vision Express! I could say our group is quite international. We have the ones from Cyprus, Spain, Britain, Singapore and of course Malaysia! :) Okay, ignore our awkward

Task: Find faggots and eat them.
 YES FAGGOTS. THIS IS FAGGOTS. I AM EATING FAGGOTS. Not the ones that you're thinking ;)


Faggot is traditionally made from pig's heart, liver and fatty belly meat or bacon minced together. It's a traditional dish in Britain.

Task: Propose in public
Surprisingly this lady was a Cardiff Alumni who studied Optometry as well! And her husband is one of our optometry lecturers in Cardiff University! She was really friendly and cheeky!

Task: Hug a guy with a super long beard
I think I would be insane in Malaysia if you request someone a hug publicly. We randomly found a guy with a long beard while we were carrying our task. 

Another picture taken in front of the optical shop
Just realised that I am the shortest among all. OKAY, ignore me..nothing special 

Task: Find a cool place to do plank.
 I kind of like this picture. haha. We eventually find some place which is quiet enough to do plank. I think everyone in our group are kinda *shy*  

The world's smallest spoon! and Yes we found it :)

The world's largest spoon! 
Our next task is to find the world's smallest and largest spoon. So it was inside a welsh souvenir shop. We managed to finish the task and got first- runner up. Unfortunately, NO PRIZE GIVEN!!! Anyway, the point is here I guess is the process but not the prize :) 
But having prizes would be more encouraging *joking :P

So this is it! These are few pictures that I can share. At night we had "Buddies night" in Tiger-Tiger Nightclub Cardiff. For some reasons, I didn't manage to go and I kind of regretted it. Anyway, stane tune to my blog for more "interesting" things about my life! OKAY, PROBABLY IT'S NOT SO INTERESTING TO YOU.... 

FYI, I haven't share these pictures in any social media before. So here's my first go! 
Hope you guys enjoy!
